This week all my housemate went back home but there are one of my housemate does not come home because she came from Kelantan. When she know that everyone will went back to their home including me, she became uncomfortable. “Maria, if everyone went home that mean she will be here alone. Are she follow you back home?” Hah?? Why did I want to invite her to my house if she doest have manner. At the same day, we all went to class but she just lying down on her bed and sleep until the evening. When me and my classmate want to go out of the house, she wake up from her bed and sit on her study table without asking anything. Maybe she want to stay at hostel all by herself. “Maria, today I went to your house”. I reply “Why?” Then, she reply “Everyone back home right? So I want to go to your house” I did not reply her text after that. Why must she text me if she can ask me while I’m still at house. So annoying! But this doesn’t mean that I don’t like her come to my house, it just she doesn’t have a manners. She never said thank you for let her come to my house. Eventhough, my mum also said that she does not said thank you when my mum give her some money to buy food because her ATM card cannot use. Hm… From the first time she came to my house until now, she never change. Now she at my house doing nothing. What I mad a lot is she does not help us to prepare foods for ‘berbuka’ at all. She just sit at chair and watch television. Argh!!!
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jgn lupe tgl an komen taw. .
1 ptah pkataan pn bole la. .