hehehe. .ak nk cter cket nie. .psal cpupu ak y bru je smpai umh ak smlm. .korg pn twu kn law de mbe or spupu yg rpat ngn kite je mzt la tido lmbt kn. .hah! meh ak cter ap yg klaka sgt mlm uh. .

"ayu. .bkak laptop. ."
"kw nk wt pe?"
"nk men game.."

ak pn amek la lptop pz uh kasi at dye. .tgh nk cri game ape nk men, ak dgr dye sbut 'THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD'. . dye pn bkak la game uh. .tgh men2 uh ak ckp la "lw nk ag bez men game nie, kne pkai earphone. .mle2 ak mlas nk amek, tp ak gamek gk. .

pz uh dye smbug men la. .ak lak tgh men game at hp dye. .tbe ak dgr dye ckp "hai sophie.." ak tgelak time uh gk. .sophie uh wtak animasi dlm game uh. .dye kate awek dye. .ak gelak la. .xleh blah kot. .slme nie ak men ngn adk ak xde pn nk mlawak, ak yg mlut bsing "hah aien, ready2 jp ag zombi kua". .yela, pmpn men game zombi mzt la ade tt2 nye kn. .

pz uh ak smbug alek men game. .tgh msing2 syp ak t'dgr ag skali dye ckp "sape curien?" dgn spontan ak tgelak time uh. .sbna nye dlm game uh ade la p'jht nie nme curien, dye la yg cpte zombi2 uh. .da smpai 1 chapter nie sophie uh mati kne bnuh ngn zombi. .last skali sophie uh ade ckp "you must stop curien" pz uh sophie uh mati, yg spupu ak nie bangang kot, bole dye tnye sape curien uh. .

pz uh dye bnuh la smue zombi2 uh smbil ckp "amek kw, kw bnuh sophie awek ak". .x jd ak nk men game at hp dye cz asyk tgelak je. .hahahahahahahaha!!!!! sumpah ak xthn kot. .akhr nye dye klah at 1 chapter nie. .x dpt la dye nk klah an curien uh. . ~the end~

korg ase spupu ak nie gler ke? stres ke? atw pn mmg cm uh pragai dye, asyk msuk air je? hahahaha!! korg pk la sdri ye. .=)

bestie ak sjak sek rndah

Hm. . .da bzman ak x jpe korg. .rndu twu x. .dlu kite slalu lpak sme2, pegi sek sme2. .tp sjk korg pndah ak sorg2 je at snie. .lw nk jpe kwn at sek je la. .at umh ak ane ade kwn. .slalu tperap dlm blek. .korg x rndu ak ke?? ad byk nk cter ngn korg spnjg kite bpisah. .ak skrg da tgl sorg2. .org yg ak syg sgt2 suh ak jgn ggu dye ag. .sdey sgt. .hm. . . .ak cme bole lpas rndu at korg at fb tgk gmbr korg nk amek twu prkmbgn korg. .ak arp korg x upe at ak. .ak xpena upe an korg. .miz u. .='(



hepy tahap GABAN!!

hah. .nk twu x npe ak hepy smpai thap mcm uh skali?? ary nie result exam da kuar. . pnye la tkut nk tgk kot. . nk tkn button 'SEE EXAM RESULT' nie. . aduh. . b'debar2 nie. . last2, ak tkn gk. .
pnye la tkejut y ak pass smue sbject t'msuk business math y ssh thap gler uh. .alhamdulillah sgt2. . thx at lecture y da ajar sy n kwn2 group A (OM114) sem 1. . eh! nk kne sbut sorg2 ea?? oke2. .

Sir Hakim - OM131
Madam Faraizwana - OM121
Miss Zaharah - IMD101
Miss Madiah - OM100
Ustaz Johari - CTU101
Madam Azidah - BEL120
Sir Asri - Kesatria Negara I
Sir Faiq - MAT112

tp sdey la gk xdpt pointer y mlayakkn ak dpt anugerah dekan. . xpela. .xde rzeki ag kot, y pzti next sem ak akn b'usaha ag. .


Time show at 7 o’clork but then Karim still on his bed. His mother shriek to wake him because he is late for school. “Karim woooooooo Karim. Wake up, you will be late”.

Karim: I don’t want to go to scholl today, mum.

Mother: What?? Don’t want to go to school? Give me two reasons why!

Karim : First, the student does not like me. Also the teachers.

Mother : That’s not an excuse for you don’t want to go to school. Wake up now!

Karim : Ah… now give me two reasons why should I’ll go to school?

Mother : your lucky boys! Stay close what am I going to say. First, you’re 50 years old. Second, you’re the principle of the school!!

‘Tipah’ swallow coin

One night, a husband and wife are going to bed but suddenly they heard their youngest daughter, Tipah was crying. They went to Tipah room and ask Tipah why is she crying. Tipah said that she has swallow five cent and she afraid that she will die because of that. Tipah father’s blocked to persuade Tipah and then he remember there are five cent on his pocket. He pretended do magic and take out the five cent from Tipah ear. Tipah was so excited and stop crying. But then, Tipah grab the five cent from her father and swallow it. “Daddy, do it again.”

Miller is mine

I say your name in my pray even never together. Lets everyday your shadow with me, every moment my care of you never misses. Miller is mine what ever happen. Lets my dream never meant to be, but you always in my heart forever.

Love like chocolate

You’re so sweet. Always make me smile. I always saw you in my dream. What have you done to me?? Our love like chocolate. Although it will melt, you still there to support me. Thanks for being my friends. I will always love you until the death of my life. =D

Tom & Jerry

When I was small, me and my sister’s are very naughty. We had been chop like Tom & Jerry and it was funny moment. We’re like argue from we wake up from bed until evening. Sometimes, we cannot sleep because of fighting. But now it just a memory and I never forget it.

My sister’s : I love you

Me : Why??

My sister’s : because you’re Tom and I’m Jerry. Tom bad!!! But not Jerry..


Why do we have to smile?? Well,smiling is a great way to make yourself stand out while helping your body to function better. Smile to improve your health, your stress level, and your attractiveness. Smiling is just one fun way to live longer read about the others and try as many as you can. Smiling makes us attractive. Why?? We are drawn to people who smile. There is an attraction factor. We want to know a smiling person and figure out what is so good. Frowns, scowls and grimaces all push people away but a smile draws them in. Avoid these smile aging habits to keep your smile looking great.